
We opened the door to our apartment sometime around noon today and found 3 packages neatly lined up in front of our door.  And there were three identical packages lined up in front of the apartment door next to ours.  And there were three identical packages lined up in front of the door across the hall.

COVID, people!  We are not touching them!

We went out for our walk a few hours later. All the packages were still just where they were when first discovered.  The two apartments at the other end of the hallway also had like packages.

We walked down to the third floor.  Not a package to be found

Not a package on the second floor.  Or the first!  Only our floor.


Door C

Pictured:  Three filled plastic bags (one white, one black, and one orange) are lined up in front of our door, and in front of the apartment door next to ours.

4 responses to “Surprise?

  1. Ooh, a mystery!


  2. Looks like food.

    1) Take food. Put in fridge in back.
    2) Leave for 48 hours.
    3) Retrieve food, heat, and enjoy.
    4) Check blood oxygen levels hourly. 🙂

    I’m getting your blog posts in email again!

  3. A good deed doer? Ask Marla what’s in them!

    • 1. Marla doesn’t know about the packages yet. Hers are there and untouched.
      2. Marla is recovering from COVID and she loves to chat – up close and personal. So, no thanks.

What do you think?