Stairway to…

Stairways are everywhere in this part of town. Tall stairways, short stairways, straight stairways, winding stairways. Some climb way up high, others descend into depths we have not yet explored.

Pictured below is just one stairway that is about 2 or 3 blocks from our home. It ascends from street level to…

just another street.

Pictured: A concrete stairway built into an outcropping, by my estimation 4 or more stories high, flanked by green painted railings. Much appreciated landings occur after every dozen or so steps.

4 responses to “Stairway to…

  1. I have a feeling I wouldn’t mind going down, but going back up would be torture!

  2. It’s good exercise, though! 🙂

What do you think?